
Why shouldn't we sit infront of the door? (science vs superstition )

We are always advised not to sit in front of and door. Specially this line is said by our grandmothers. Is there any scientific reason behind this? Let us understand the fact that why they used to say that?  Definitely they once observed many incidents for which they used to say so which became a saying. If you sit in front of any door then usually you will block the getaway. That means if you sit there then people who will try to to enter through the door, they will face problems or it will be difficult for them to enter. Simply you are blocking the path to enter through the door.That's why your are advised not to sit in front of the door. Previously people used to live in small houses made up of wood or soil where the door used to be small, not like the door we see today. Today it is not necessary to obey the saying. But still Why we should become blockage! So if you laugh at our great ancestors then you need to understand that whatever they had said was scientifically correct. I

Should we consume eggs before going for an exam? (science vs superstition )

Should we consume eggs before going for an exam? (science vs superstition ) There's a popular belief that we shouldn't eat eggs before going for an examination. Now is it just a saying? Is it a superstition set by our ancestors? Actually there's a scientific reason behind this. Before going for the explanation we need to understand something about the examination.  We need to stay calm so that we can give our best. So, we should take a hearty breakfast. The more simple and easy breakfast we take, it would be more easy to digest. Eggs are high in protein & fat so when we eat eggs, the BMR rate is increased. So it may become difficult to stay calm. As our body temperature increases and with that it becomes difficult stay cool.  Though it is a simple scientific phenomena and we all know this. But the matter is whether we can control  this or not. If you can control this then you can have also. It varies from person to person. We are advised to drink Glucon-D because it qui

Can superstitions be scientific?

What is superstitions? Superstition means unreasonable belief and fear of something unknown. The impact of this belief and fear is common not only among the illiterate, old and tribal people but even among the educated people and the people guided by rational thoughts. Confusion between Superstitions & Religions Superstition is a kind of blind faith. We believe in something without any reason. Religion, too, means faith in God. But this faith is based upon love and respect for God. Superstition, however, is based upon fear and ignorance. So, religion gives light to our mind and soul. But superstitions produce only darkness and we move about like blind men and women. This means that superstition is just opposite to religion. Superstition means lack of faith in God.  Now the question arises: Are the traditional beliefs and superstitions same?  Is it only because of the illiteracy? Were our ancestors fool & illiterate? Can science alone eradicate such beliefs? And the most importa