Can superstitions be scientific?

What is superstitions?

Superstition means unreasonable belief and fear of something unknown. The impact of this belief and fear is common not only among the illiterate, old and tribal people but even among the educated people and the people guided by rational thoughts.

Confusion between Superstitions & Religions

Superstition is a kind of blind faith. We believe in something without any reason. Religion, too, means faith in God. But this faith is based upon love and respect for God. Superstition, however, is based upon fear and ignorance. So, religion gives light to our mind and soul. But superstitions produce only darkness and we move about like blind men and women. This means that superstition is just opposite to religion. Superstition means lack of faith in God. 

Now the question arises:
Are the traditional beliefs and superstitions same? 
Is it only because of the illiteracy?
Were our ancestors fool & illiterate?
Can science alone eradicate such beliefs?
And the most important one is whether we are confused with taboos & traditional beliefs?
Simply science can enlighten our thinking and most of the superstitions, rather I should say taboos can destroy humanity & also make people ignorant. But there are some beliefs which can be scientifically proven right. And I am going to talk about that portion which are still not explored well. We have become scientific but we don't want to understand such beliefs in a scientific manner.

There are thousands of examples of such beliefs which were actually scientific and still very much important to our lives. 

I have done some scientific research on each every such belief which I am going to explain here. Every thing has different aspects. We need to know and then have to use our brain to understand. 

[ N.B. I am against such superstitions/ taboos which actually hurt us, our feelings and don't make us modern but I can still follow some, which have scientific reasoning and help us in many ways.] 


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